Monday 27 May 2013

Embarrassing mothers

According to second daughter I engage in a wide range of embarrassing activities.  These include:  singing in the street, (especially hymns); dancing (only to be done alone, in my bedroom, with the lights off); talking to, or showing an interest in her friends; correcting people's grammar; inviting people to tea and expecting them to be able to use a knife in their right hand; gardening; singing Bertie's song to him; pulling faces at her during eye tests; sewing; knitting; painting garden furniture; D.I.Y generally; introducing people to the chickens ....the list goes on and on and on.

This morning I went through the list and gleaned that, when her friends are visiting, the only acceptable activities for me are to: be in another room; watch TV; use the computer; sleep.   These activities are considered 'normal' and are what other people's mothers do all the time, apparently.

So I'm here in the living room.  The TV is on although I'm not watching it.  I am not asleep and there is little chance of that with the shrieking and crashing coming from the 9 x 12 year olds in the kitchen.  I'm on the computer writing a blog about daughter number 2.  Will this turn out to be the most embarrassing thing of all?
Stop pulling faces!  Just be normal!


  1. Dad's too can be embarrassing (or is it annoying?). From waving at him, ruffling his hair, also singing - especially to the dog, saying that he can invite any one home even a girl, asking his friends to pull my finger, pretend trumpeting (not connected to the previous)...

  2. My girls say that I have a song for every situation. I think you do too Mr B. When will they realise how lucky they are to have such wonderful parents?

  3. You may also be permitted to supply them with a series of unhealthy snacks at regular intervals. And giving them money is always acceptable!

    Parents are meant to be embarrassing after all.

  4. As your first daughter, I must confirm that your public singing is a little embarrassing but I think I've grown bulletproof to embarrassment over the years. Your second daughter however, still has to learn to laugh through the shame...

  5. Poor, damaged babies....xx
